Bikers 4 Kids

John F. Kennedy said: “All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”

This quote does make a person wonder about missed opportunities and those extra 10 minutes of sleep early in the morning.

South Africa has so many people that would be more than satisfied with half of what most of us complain about daily. Opportunities are not always present for everybody, but the Bikers 4 Kids will make everyone we meet realise that there are people out there that are thinking of them, people that care about them and people that will always help where they can.

To be a part of the Bikers 4 Kids team you must be able to answer yes to the following questions.

  • Have you ever wanted to help, but did not know where or how to go about it?
  • Have you ever wanted to let someone unknown to you, know that you care even though you do not understand what they are going through?
  • Have you ever wanted to make a difference, but you just don’t get time in your busy schedule?
  • Have you ever wanted to make a cup of tea or a sandwich for someone less fortunate than yourself?
  • Have you ever wanted to read to a child or someone old?
  • Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint on a disadvantaged pre-school’s wall?
  • Have you ever wanted to fix the holes in a roof to make sure the rain stays outside where it belongs?
  • Have you ever wanted to be outside on the grass at 10 in the morning laughing so much that your heart jumps around and your ears just need to stop your smile from going around your head?
  • Have you ever given a child his or her very first toy in their life?
  • Have you ever just wanted to sit and listen to what the old people want to tell you and enjoy a cup of coffee with them?
  • Have you ever?

Contact Us if you would like to find out more or want to get involved.